Oh, the Possibilities of Spring!
Springtime is the perfect time to plan!
As the weather warms, we begin to think of flowers emerging and grass gaining its bright green color. The first day of spring allows us to think of possibilities—like what we might grow in our gardens or flower beds.
Spring also reminds us that it is important to begin planning for our financial future. Retirement may seem a long way off, but it’s important to plan for the retirement you desire.
We can help evaluate your retirement readiness based on your goals. To ensure you can retire when you want to, we’ll review how you:
• diversify your retirement strategy.
• think about withdrawal strategies.
• consider Social Security filing options.
• factor in taxes.
If we plan well, water and nurture our plants, it can lead to beautiful bouquets or a bountiful vegetable harvest. It’s important to remember that it’s never too early to start planning for your retirement.
Make it a point this spring to connect with us to assess your current situation. If we can help, please call 610-433-9009 to schedule an appointment to discuss your retirement goals.