social security cards
16 Aug

Retirees are surprised to dind as much as 85% of their Social Security benefits could be taxable., depenings on their amount of provisional income, which includes half of their Social Security benefits plus other sources that contribute to adjusted gross income (AGI), such as wages, dividends, and capital gains.

Piggy bank
12 Jan

The Inflation Reduction Act, signed prior to the midterm elections, shows us some of the new tax focus, but much of the bill will not be implemented for years ahead. Although I majored in economics, I have found no commentary that says this bill will affect inflation in any way.

23 Nov

Depreciation is an annual tax deduction that allows small businesses to recover the cost or other basis of certain property over the time they use the property. It is an allowance for the wear and tear, deterioration, or obsolescence of the property. Small businesses can depreciate property when…